Approach Tunnel 1 Entrance Portal and Tunnel Excavation, Approach Tunnel 2 Entrance Portal and Tunnel Excavation, Powerhouse Penstock Pipe and Tunnel Entrance Portal and Tunnel Excavation, Balance Pile Access Road, Platform and Shaft Excavation, Çambaşı Regulator Bottom Spillway Tunnel Entrance Portal and Tunnel Excavation, Preparation of the diversion, Ögene Regulator and Çambaşı Regulator Transmission Tunnel Entrance Portals and Tunnel Excavation, Tunnel Reinforced Concrete Manufacturing, Tunnel Plug Concrete Manufacturing and Approach Tunnel-1 Discharge System, Balance Pile Reinforced Concrete Manufacturing and Penstock Pipe Manufacturing, Power Plant Excavation and Reinforced Concrete Manufacturing, Switchgear Construction of the Site, Preparation of the Central Gantry Crane, Branch Manufacturing, Ögene Regulator Excavation and Reinforced Concrete Manufacturing, Çambaşı Regulator Excavation and Reinforced Concrete Manufacturing, Preparation of the Power Plant for Trial Operation, Hydromechanical Works Supply, Assembly and Tests